Over the summer, I transformed our guest bedroom into my art studio. I am excited to share a sneak peek into my space to create!
Here is where I create most of my mixed media collages. This desk was my in-laws kitchen table, so it big enough to spread out and be messy!
Paper scraps EVERWHERE! This is what my table looks like when I am in a middle of a project (only usually it's messier).
My kick-ass modular wall. Because I work with all kinds of paper of various shapes and sizes and multiple types of medium, I need LOTS of accessible storage. I designed and my husband made these modular cubes to fit one wall for all of my paper and supplies. I LOVE it!
Last but not least, here is my digital desk, more storage and TWINKLE LIGHTS (because they make me happy!).
The room is still, and will always be, a work in progress but I am thrilled with how it turned out!
Thanks for visiting and Make it a Happy Day!