My Story

And unequivocally, I choose HAPPY. It is my hope that my art brings smiles to faces and adds a little bit joy into the world!
Over the years I have dabbled in jewelry making, scrapbooking, home decorating, drawing, painting, writing, illustrating, graphic design plus much more. What I have found with each one of my adventures, is that my strength and passion is in the creation process!
Currently, I am jazzed about creating Mixed Media Collage Art. By using everyday items, like magazines, newspapers, books, tissue paper, with colored pencils, paints and glue, I create pieces that are colorful, whimsical, and, of course, HAPPY!
For me, the path to become an artist was a circuitous route. As I was growing up, no one would have thought that I would have ended up as an artist, not even me! I enjoyed art classes, but never excelled.
I followed what I knew and stayed in school. I went to college and on to graduate school and then worked on college campuses in the residence halls and student activities.
Then I met my husband. We got married. A year later we had our first child and I decided to be a stay at home mom. Fourteen months later, our second son was born and I was fully entrenched in motherhood.
Being a mother of two little ones is wonderful - and it's also SOOO hard. Creativity became my escape and my stress relief.
I started blogging and writing and eventually I wrote a children's book. On a whim I doodled the illustrations and to my surprise, they weren't half bad. The thought occurred to me that "maybe I could illustrate my book." So I did.
I ended up illustrating my book, Moments Meant to Savor in collage and I loved it!
So I kept doing art. And I am, happily, still at it!