Dragonflies are the Keepers of Dream

Dragonflies are the Keepers of Dream

This week's was inspired by a friend who told me about how dragonflies were continuously appearing in her life. One day, she ordered herself a beaded bracelet, and when she received the bracelet it, surprisingly, had a little dragonfly charm dangling between the beads. During that same week, while traveling, her hotel room was decorated with a large and beautiful dragonfly illustration. And, a day later, a dragonfly, flew and danced about her as she was walking her dog - a path she had taken many times before, without ever seeing a dragonfly before.

She figured that there was a message being sent by those the dragonflies. So, she googled the meaning of a dragonfly and she found that in most cultures this beautiful insect symbolized change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization. And, that description truly felt powerful and fitting for her life right now.

After she she told me about her dragonfly encounters, I decided to create a piece of artwork of a dragonfly. And, as I did my own research and I found this beautiful quote that really spoke to me and I knew I needed to incorporate it in my collage.

"Dragonflies are the keepers of dreams, the energy within that sees all of our true potential and ability. Dragonflies inspire spiritually and creatively, they help us on the path of discovery and enlightenment. They remind us anything is possible."    ~Unknown*

I am so glad I did this piece and learned about the magic of a dragonfly. Forevermore, I will remember that "anything is possible" whenever I see a dragonfly.

Have you had any repeating encounters in your life recently? What are they and what do they mean to you? I'd love to hear! Tell me your story in the comments below!

​Make it a HAPPY day!

*The only reference I could find for this quote was that it was from "Symbolism in Native American Culture". I would love to give proper credit, so if anyone out there has more info, please share it with me in the comments below.


PS - As with all the pieces that I create this year for the One a Week Art Challenge, the original is not available for sale until February 8, 2019 when I host my celebratory art show.

PSS - I do have a print available of this Dragonfly.

If you are interested in a print, click here.

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