FAQs RE: Art Show

FAQs RE: Art Show

Since I announced that I was hosting my first Solo Art Show (on February 8, 2019 from 6-9pm at 600 N. Rocky River Drive, Berea, Ohio) I have been asked many questions about the show.

​Here are my answers to the most frequently asked questions:

I’ve never been to a solo art show, what should I expect?
All art shows are unique, so I can’t speak for other shows, but let me tell you about my show.
Doors will open at 6pm and we will do pre-sales for those folks who have their eye on a particular original. Around 6:30pm I will do a short chat about my art, lessons that I learned, and the One a Week Art Challenge. And then the rest of the night is an open-house-type celebration. It is my hope that you have a fun time!

What is this “One a Week Art Challenge” and why did you do it?
At the end of 2017, I decided to challenge myself to create a piece a week for the entire year. I wanted to do this for a variety of reasons… to improve my arting skills, to create a larger “body of work”, and be more  efficient in the creative process.
But mostly, I wanted to make creativity a priority. I had come to the realization, years before, that when I took the time to be creative, I was a happier person. For me, there is undoubtedly a direct correlation between creating and feeling good. But, life seemed to often get in the way of me finding that time. So for 2018, I decided to intentionally to be a happier me and so I committed to the One a Week Challenge.

The “One a Week Art Challenge” was what I decided to call 2018 - is not an official “thing” (like #100dayproject) but maybe it should be!

I want a particular original piece of artwork, can I buy it now or reserve it?
Unfortunately, I am not able to sell before 6pm on February 8. BUT If you have your eye on a particular original, here are two options:

  1. Doors will open at 6pm and Pre-Sales will start then. So, plan to arrive at 6pm and you can be first in line for "your" artwork.
  2. If you are unable to attend, I am taking sign-ups so you can receive a phone call to purchase your original after the doors open.

Sign up on the "One a Week Art Challenge Original Request" form to receive a call the night of the Art Show to be able to purchase an original artwork. The form is available on my website under "ART SHOW" tab.

Other than the original pieces of artwork will you have other items for sale?
Yes, I will have PRINTS of not only the art I created during my One a Week Art Challenge but also other pieces. There will also be GREETING CARDSJOURNALS, my BOOKMoments Meant to Savor and INSPIRE BLOCKS.

What should I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable in! This event is casual. I am not quite sure what I am wearing, yet (I need to get on that!)…but I know for sure it will NOT be formal! As my mother-in-law likes to say, I plan to be “casual not carless”.

Is there going to be food?
Yeppers! There will be a variety of nibbles, plus beer, wine and bottled water. 

How much are the originals?
The originals range in price from $40 to $220. To see the prices, sizes, and images of each piece, check out the gallery on my website. Prints and other items are $30 and under.

Which is your favorite piece that you have created?
Ohhhh, that is such a hard question. Just like my kids, I don’t think that I could pick just one favorite. But there are a few that I am drawn too. One of those is the giraffe piece entitled, She Stood Tall. I also really like that scuba boy, entitled, Explore. Dream. Discover. Other favorites include: No Rain, No FlowersHappy CampersBe Your Own Sunshine, and… more.
Each of them has something that I appreciate about it…but in this process of creating artwork and putting it out into the world, I have realized something important… I realized that it is not my job to decide which of my creations are good, or not, it is my job to create art, and it is your job to decided what you like. Each piece speaks to people in its own way and that is how it should be.

What is your medium?
All of the pieces for the One a Week Art Challenge created on 1.5" thick blocks of wood are ready to hang (no framing needed). The blocks are painted with acrylics and the art is paper collage. Everything (YES, including the letters) is hand-cut or torn and adhered. Imagine painting with paper, scissors, and glue.

Is Art what you do full time?
My life is filled with being a mom, a wife, and an artist. In March of 2017, I left my job to pursue my art. It has been an amazing journey thus far and I am curious to see where my art takes me.

I hope that answered some of your questions. If you have others feel free to ask in the comments below!

Make it a HAPPY Day!

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