Life is Precious. Don't Waster a Drop! - Week 52

Life is Precious. Don't Waster a Drop! - Week 52

Have you ever met someone who is incredibly wise and insightful?... someone who says things that stop you in your tracks, and makes you think - really poignantly think - about your life and your dreams?... someone who triggers "Aha Moments" for you and others, on a regular basis?... someone who is truly a wise sage?

I think those people are incredibly rare. 

This week, I decided to use the words of one such person, Rob Berkley, to create my last piece of artwork for my One a Week Art Challenge.

"Life is Precious. Don't Waste a Drop!"

I first heard Rob say this gem, earlier this year, on a live chat that Rob's wife and business partner, Debbie Phillips, was hosting for members of her community of women, Women on Fire.

The words brought tears to my eyes.

At the time, Rob had been diagnosed and was dealing with gastric cancer. Despite being ill, Rob, a Master Certified Coach, decided to spend his precious time with the wonderful women of Women on Fire to share his wisdom with us.

And, as usual, Rob's words were inspirational and thought-provoking.

Every. Single. Time. I heard Rob speak (which was many) or had a conversation with him, I gained a new nugget of goodness to take into my life and make my world a little better.

And for that I am deeply grateful.
Thank you, Rob!

Sadly, earlier this month, Rob passed away.

As a tribute to Rob and all of his wisdom, I created this artwork. It is heartfelt.

I took on this One a Week Art Challenge, for many reasons, but the most important was to send more positivity into the world. Creating Rob's sentiment of life being precious feels like a fitting way to wrap up the challenge.

I hope you do too!

ps... This week I created two originals - one for the One a Week Art Challenge and one as a gift for Debbie. (Love you, Debbie!)

pss... As with all the pieces that I create this year for the One a Week Art Challenge, the original is not available for sale until February 8, 2019 when I host my celebratory art show.

psss... I do have both prints available in my shop.
​If you want the dark blue "drop", click here.
​If you want the light blue "drop", click here.

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