Ray of Sunshine - Week 27

Ray of Sunshine - Week 27

Week 27​ is entitled, Ray of Sunshine! It's filled with bright colors, inspirational words and a WACKY sun!

Ray of Sunshine
Be a ray of sunshine…
Give hope.
Have optimism.
Send positive vibes.
Be grateful.
Be the bright light in a dark room.
Surprise someone with an unexpected gift.
Radiate goodness.
Assume that everyone is doing their best.
Be a joy to be around.
Listen with heart.
Embrace imperfections.
Wipe tears.
Give hugs.
Find the good in every situation.
Compliment others.
Choose love over fear.
And mostly,
Be Kind.
Be a Ray of Sunshine.

Make it a HAPPY day!


PS - As with all the pieces that I create this year for the One a Week Art Challenge, the original is not available for sale until early 2019 when I host my celebratory art show.

PSS - I do have a print available of Ray of Sunshine.

If you are interested in a print, click here.

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