Unfinished Pieces: A Peek into my Art Cemetery

Unfinished Pieces: A Peek into my Art Cemetery

Artists typically work alone and I think that makes the creative process seem a bit mysterious and daunting. But, creating art is like most things we do in life. Sometimes it turns out smashingly, and other times... well... not so much...!

I have been regularly creating art since 2013 and in that time, there are many piece that I have started and not finished. Sometimes I get stuck in the creation process and can't figure out how to get unstuck. Other times, I really, really dislike (HATE!) what I am creating. And still other times, I am just not longer inspired. Therefore, I have stashes of unfinished artwork in my art studio.

So, today I thought it would be fun-ish - and a wee bit embarrassing - to share my undone pieces of art.

Maybe you can help decide which ones should be resuscitated and which ones should be put out of their (and my) misery.

Unfinished Piece #1 

Our family's road trip out west was the inspiration for this piece. This is suppose to be a highway running through mountains in Big Sky country.

I was determined to use the old topographic maps that I found in an antique store in Livingston, Montana.

Sigh...it just wasn't working.

Unfinished Piece #2 

The background on this piece is what I really like - and the picture doesn't show it's pretty shimmery, aqua, glass-like texture. 

For a long time this piece was just a background - I couldn't decide what to create on top of it. Then, one day I decided that a contrasting sun would work...but when I finished the sun, the whole piece just felt flat and uninspired. And, I couldn't figure out what to do to to make it more "alive". So, I put it aside.

Unfinished Piece #3


This piece is supposed to be the antique clock that hangs on the old bank building in downtown Berea, Ohio - where I live.

The actual clock is made of beautiful copper with an ornate dark green face and is attached to the corner of an almost 100 year-old sandstone building. It is gorgeous!

My collaged clock, just wasn't doing it justice. Every time I tried to work on it, I got discouraged, until I finally decided to stash it, hidden away in the closet.


Unfinished Piece #4 - 3 Backgrounds 


These 3 backgrounds I created and am a big fan of them. But, the problem is that every time I have tried to create something on top, I can not figure it out... (kind of like the sun piece above).

Every now and then, I pull out one of these backgrounds, and come up with ideas and start to work on it. But quickly I am not feeling good about what I am creating. Nothing seems to "fit" the background texture so I stop and put it away. I do this again, and again with all three.

Ugh. It's frustrating!


Unfinished Piece #5

A sketch is as far as this piece got. And, to be honest, I didn't even remember I had drawn this, until today, when I saw it stashed away with the others undone pieces.

The drawing is based on a picture of my boys that I took during a vacation to Madeline Island (in Wisconsin, and island in Lake Superior). It was such a great trip!

I don't really know why I didn't do more on this - I can only imagine that I was no longer inspired to create it.

So there you have it. A peek into my Art Cemetery. There are more...but I'm going to stop here.

What do you think...is it worth resuscitating any of them? I'm not sure...

Make it a Happy Day!

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