Whimsy - Week 37

Whimsy - Week 37

This week's piece you may have already seen on Facebook or Instagram as I posted it and asked for suggestions of what it should be entitled. I have done this many times before - last week even - and always get names (at least three or four) that really resonate with me and always the artwork ends up entitled much better than if I would have named it on my own.

But, this time it was different. The suggestions were great and most of them I really liked - but none of them jumped out at me and felt "just right" - and I really want the names of my piece to feel right!

I wondered why this was happening for this piece and after some pondering I realized two things...

First, the image that I created this week is very abstract and because its not a "thing" it more difficult to name.

Secondly, I recognized, long after I asked for title ideas, that I really wanted the name of this piece to reflect the sentiments I had while I was creating the piece.

So, this time, I decided to not pick one of the ideas suggested and decided to name it myself. 

This week's piece is entitled Whimsy and here is why:

There are many artists that inspire me time and time again. One such artist is Ray Rex. His artwork is bright, bold, and with abstract designs and lovely flow.

I am in awe of his ability to combine color, patterns, and shapes together in such a stunning way!

So this week I decided to create a Ray Rex inspired piece. It was a fun exercise.

When I started creating, I had no idea what the end result would look like. This is not usual for me. Typically I have an concept in mind - albeit a vague idea, like "flowers" or "sunshine".  So to start, knowing that the artwork was not going to be a "thing" but instead a combination of bold colors, patterns and unique shapes was a different process for me. 

What was in keeping with my creating process was that I wanted to convey a message of positivity and happiness.

So I began...
Cutting, Arranging, Adhereing.
Trusting my gut.
Feeling blind.
Seeing possibilities.
Loosening my grip.
​Being free
Allowing it to create itself.
​Embracing the whimsy.

​It was fun and I felt light, happy and whimsical.


So, I think Whimsy is a perfect name for this piece. I do hope you agree.

Make it a HAPPY day!


PS - As with all the pieces that I create this year for the One a Week Art Challenge, the original is not available for sale until February 8, 2019 when I host my celebratory art show.

PSS - I do have a print available of this whimsical, Ray Rex inspired piece.

If you are interested in a print, click here.

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