
Witch, Please!

Witch, Please!

Happy Halloween!

Witch, Please!

Happy Halloween!

Pick-up Truck and Pumpkin spice

Pick-up Truck and Pumpkin spice

It's that time of year!  Make it a HAPPY day!

Pick-up Truck and Pumpkin spice

It's that time of year!  Make it a HAPPY day!

Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights

This fall, I have had the joy of watching my oldest son, (a senior in high school) march and play trumpet in the marching band and my youngest son (a...

Friday Night Lights

This fall, I have had the joy of watching my oldest son, (a senior in high school) march and play trumpet in the marching band and my youngest son (a...

No Feeling is Final

No Feeling is Final

Sometimes, in those moments when the feels feel so big...remember, no feeling (or mix of feelings) is final!​Hang in there!

No Feeling is Final

Sometimes, in those moments when the feels feel so big...remember, no feeling (or mix of feelings) is final!​Hang in there!

Replace Judgement with Curiosity

Replace Judgement with Curiosity

When I feel myself in that place of judgement... and I am being a Judge-y Judge-McFace toward others or am all Negative Nellie about myself, I try to remember to...

Replace Judgement with Curiosity

When I feel myself in that place of judgement... and I am being a Judge-y Judge-McFace toward others or am all Negative Nellie about myself, I try to remember to...

Soul Full of Sunshine!

Soul Full of Sunshine!

Make it a HAPPY day!

Soul Full of Sunshine!

Make it a HAPPY day!